5oz. Java Bondowoso Dawuhan Honey

5oz. Java Bondowoso Dawuhan Honey

Regular price $6.00
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5oz. whole bean coffee

Pak Echwan, a farmer in Bondowoso, East Java, started off very small but has a big vision for his village and coffee farmer community. Being one of the head coffee farmers in this coffee-growing region, he took the initiative in his village to implement an ever-improving quality mindset and educate the local community. Previously, the villagers in his area who grew coffee never really thought about process improvements, didn't have access to education around coffee, and just wanted to sell it quickly and cheaply.

Pak Echwan is determined to lift his region's coffee quality year after year as he implements more and more proper processing, equipment, and storage. For their honey processed coffee, they clean and sort cherries by flotation, after they’re carefully picked; then they are depulped and sundried on raised beds, to then be hulled and sorted, and finally, the beans are properly packed for export.

Rich brown sugar, almond, stone fruit (apricot and nectarine) along with a cocoa undertone and maybe even a touch of jasmine. A much more delicate Indonesian coffee.

Processing method
Honey -
Halfway between the natural and washed methods. This method is called Honey because of how sticky the bean gets during the process. Like the other methods, the processing begins with harvesting the cherries. The cherries are then put through a de-pulper like the washed method. However, depending on the desired finished flavor, the amount of flesh left on the bean can be chosen. The more fruit flesh or mucilage left on the bean, the sweeter and fruitier the final cup is likely to be. This also results in the Honey washed process having subcategories. These subcategories indicate how much of the fruit is left on the bean when drying, Black Honey has the most, and then it becomes less and less from Red Honey, Yellow Honey and the least amount of mucilage being on the white honey. Once the coffee has gone through the de-pulper it’s then dried like the other two methods. Turning regularly to avoid mold, rot and fermentation and to maintain consistency. However, because there’s less fruit left on the bean there’s less of a risk of fermentation. The drying time can range from as short as 4 days to many weeks. Once fully dry, the remaining mucilage is then removed and the green beans are ready to be stored then exported to a roastery. The Honey processed varieties have a lovely sweetness and symphony of higher notes that a washed bean just can’t achieve. An yet, it also has a certain clean and brightness that a natural processed coffee doesn’t have.