Colombia La Primavera Pink Bourbon

Colombia La Primavera Pink Bourbon

Regular price $14.00
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La Primavera farm is located at 1,700 meters above sea level in the La Esmeralda district, in the southern municipality of Acevedo, in Huila, Colombia. Being the gateway to the Colombian massif, it has an edaphoclimatic diversity that makes it a privileged region for the production of fine coffees. Jeferson is a member of the second generation of the venerable Castano family – locally recognized as pioneers in the Pink Bourbon variety. With a modest 6 hectares to work, he planted 24,000 Pink Bourbon trees, going all in on his family’s tradition with this unique variety.

Jeferson chose the traditional washed process for this coffee in order to highlight it’s most treasured attributes – effervescent acidity, harmonious balance and a squeaky clean finish. This is a great coffee is a great introduction for folks looking to try the Bourbon coffee variety for the first time without being overwhelmed by the complexity of natural processing. The coffee is super clean and fresh without being a massive departure from what fans of the more “traditional” Colombian coffee profile enjoy.

A lovely bouquet of Jasmine florals. Full body with a silky, creamy texture along with notes of sweet lemonade, red apple, fig, caramel and a dash of cocoa powder and a slight hint of berries.

Processing Method
Fully Washed

Price Transparency
$9.29/lb green coffee + $2.40 production

Bag Details
10oz. whole bean coffee